Investigating radiological signatures in converted landfills: a case study of Cesar Chavez park
This research investigates the viability and safety of public spaces built on sites previously contaminated with industrial waste. By utilizing advanced gamma and neutron radiation detectors, the study focuses on Cesar Chavez Park to map and quantify legacy industrial waste, identify potential factors of contamination, and assess the risks of radiation and toxic material leaks into the environment. While no immediate health concerns were detected, the study provides essential insights into the long-term impacts of converting industrial sites into recreational areas. The findings are intended to inform the public and promote safer, sustainable land use practices.
Climate Stressors and Interventions in Jeddah
Collaborated on a comprehensive study to identify and mitigate climate stressors impacting Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, with a focus on flash flooding and extreme heat waves. Proposed sustainable urban solutions, including green infrastructure, improved drainage systems, and adaptive urban planning. The project highlights innovative interventions to protect vulnerable communities while fostering sustainable development. Climate change adaptation, CE108 class project. Team members: Ege Goktekin, Mohammad Hashemi, Yan Qi Liu, Fabian Flosbach and Zainab Alyosha
Zainab Alyosha
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